The long running true crime show, MURDER BY THE SEA returns for a sixth season. Hosted by Crime Historian Dr Nell Darby, the series once again...
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NEW: Murders at the Boarding House
Monster Films have recently produced a new two-part series exploring the life and crimes of the female serial killer Dorothea Puente. The show...
Broadcast Awards 2021 Finalists
Edinburgh TV Festival 2019: Live – The Real Prime Suspect Podcast
Find out how Jackie Malton the real life inspiration for Jane Tennison in the tv drama Prime Suspect came to front her own documentary series. A...
NEW: Voice of a Serial Killer
New ten-part series starting on CBS reality, November 1, 10pm “What’s it like to interview a serial killer?’...
NEW: Murder by the Sea
A new six part series examining the dark crimes of the most deadly coastal killers to ever stalk our...
NEW: Voice of a Killer
The acclaimed series returns with more in depth analysis of the in interviews of murderers, brought to life...
Murder by the Sea: Series 3
Best selling true crime author Geoffrey Wansell returns with six more stories of the life and crimes of our...
NEW: Dark Son: The Hunt for a Serial Killer
Did a Welsh child murderer go on to become Jack the Stripper - the man behind the biggest case of unsolved...
NEW: Interview with a Murderer
Interview with a Murderer has been one of the best reviewed programmes of the year, with audiences and...